Good Company Coaching is a relevance making authority. We help individuals and organisations remain relevant, avoid reputational risk and realise their potential.
For 25 years we’ve served organisations across all industries and sectors. Working in the private, the public and everything else in between.
From working with executives and professionals of significant organisations, to a chief adviser to a prime minister to rookie business leaders just starting out.
If you would like to know how Good Company Coaching’s Relevant… Not Redundant Roadmap® and The Emerging Leader In Everyone® coaching programs and workshops can help you lead successfully, stay relevant and experience exceptional results. Contact us.
If you would like to ignite ideas and insights that ensure the future is in your hands. Book Rick Gilmore to speak at your next event.
Whether you’re seeking to remain relevant, rust proof your reputation or drive your top-line revenue – or any combination in between.
Be good company and get in touch with us today and see what Rick Gilmore and Good Company Coaching can do to accelerate your profits and purpose and Be Who You Are Meant To Become®
Please fill out the following form and we will make every effort to respond within 24 hours.
Good Company Coaching
p | 0425 322 607
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a | PO Box 3, Lindfield NSW, Australia 2070