“We are here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise why else even be here?” Steve Jobs.
In event planning we appreciate you want to be certain that you have found the exactly right, speaker, who can make a significant impact, leave a lasting impression, and deliver actionable value.
Yet, we also appreciate finding the right speaker for your audience, can exhaust a lot of time, money, effort and still be hit and miss.
Bearing this seriously in mind, we always fully invest ourselves in understanding your organisational context, speaker requirements and outcomes.
We invite you to click on the video below to learn more about Rick’s credentials as a presenter, speaker and thought leader, and how you can leverage it to ensure a magnetic, moving and memorable experience for your audience.
From executive conferences, summits and forums, to business networks and government agency events. Rick provides the highest level of impactful value he possibly can in every situation and presentation.
He shines new light on what’s possible and helps people flourish in the areas of reputational relevance, visionary leadership and creating game changing culture.
After a Rick Gilmore presentation, your audience won’t have endured a spray of tired expressions, empty slogans and presentation party tricks.
Never just for infotainment alone, he is known as a witty, fun, and edgy presenter, who creates an experience and profound changes in the perspectives of audience members.
His critical synthesis of Eastern wisdom and Western business nous means he can creatively weave threads and themes from a wide range of sources and convey digestible ideas that generate fresh insights.
Audiences connect with themselves, become less guarded and are inspired and energised to take action that lasts.
Customised to fit your needs
Rick can work with you to customise and deliver compelling content and can speak on a diverse range of topics that can be presented in a forty five minute to ninety minute Keynote style, or a short workshop, up to approximately three hours, or a full day seminar.
We look forward to hearing about how we can be good company and help you, enjoy some new ideas and insights, do some things differently, and get the results you’re looking for.
Call + 61 0425 322 607 or email rickgilmore@goodcompanycoaching.com to discuss having Rick speak at your next event
* Rick has recently authored critically acclaimed Authentic Leadership: The real deal or snake oil?
Originally published in Emerging Trends in Leadership & Strategy, compiled by Paul Sparks, Trend Business Publishing 2014
Popular Speaking Topics:
Why Would You Want To Be Led By Anyone?
“ Be Who You Are Meant To Become®” Rick Gilmore
In many contemporary networked organisations, the democratisation of leadership is being championed. Collaborative leadership models underpinned by coaches and coaching programs are on the rise.
Yet, bubbling under the surface is a question, which cuts to the root of all leader- follower dynamics, Why would you want to be led by anyone?
If that’s a question you would like answered then this presentation will give you many new insights on this very significant matter.
Rick’s key note will show you how to harness the leadership potential within your organisation. It will equip everyone with the mindset and mechanics they need to ignite their natural leadership style, deliver exceptional results and be true to themselves all along the way.
People who attend this key note will learn:
- How to let your natural leadership unfold and be who you are, without having to be someone you are not.
- How to recognise the real leaders from the phonies.
- Three primary pit falls to avoid on your authentic leadership path, so you can stand in your value, not rob others of your value and not let others rob you of your value.
- How to overcome fear of taking ownership and responsibility and build your business on the back of a visionary leadership culture. • How to have genuine relationships, be good company and intuitively know when to lead and when to follow.
- To name a few.
Reputational Rust Never Sleeps:
How To Stay Relevant, Avoid Reputation Risk & Realise Your Potential
“There’s no sense building a personal brand if the person gets lost along the way. There’s total sense building a personal brand if the person gets found along the way” Rick Gilmore
You would likely agree there is a growing gap between the rapid rate of change and our ability to remain relevant. While some business leaders and professionals are thriving, others are confused and frustrated, others even feeling devalued and commoditised.
In the face of all this flux, how to stay relevant, avoid reputational risk and realise your potential are core contemporary career questions. If you are serious about future proofing your career, raising your profile and evolving your purpose, then this presentation is for you.
What you will learn during this high impact presentation:
- How to claim your seat at the table, and be the most credible authority, regardless of your role, organisation, or the industry you operate in.
- How to be yourself and authentically ‘self promote’ without any cringe factor.
- How to accelerate your career, communicate with impact and handle career ‘blind spots’ that are holding you back.
- Understand what it really takes to build and sustain a high trajectory career.
- How to leverage exponentially your future: passion, potential and profit.
- And much more.
Unlocking The Culture Code
“Strategy & Execution May Be King. But Culture Is King Kong” Rick Gilmore
It would be fair to say we now live and work in an age of commoditisation.
Which is a fancy way of saying, we now live and work in a time where competitors have access to virtually the same resources as each other. Products, services, and pricing models can all seem the same and every year it can feel harder to stand out.
But the good news is, culture is one area left standing that can’t be copied or commoditised.
Few would doubt that building an authentic, robust and resilient culture is one serious way to –
- Set up one organisation’s performance above another’s,
- Drive differentiation,
- And create long term competitive edge and business success.
In this presentation Rick explores why many believe culture is senior to strategy and execution and how to create a business culture that outperforms all others.
In this game changing talk you will learn:
- Why it’s critical to create a culture based on respect and right relationship that brings out the best in you and not the worst.
- New ways to apply proven strategies and techniques for creating an inspired workplace that supports true human development and peak performance.
- How to empower ownership of culture and reverse a culture of resistance and reluctance.
- Why settling for a weak and wishy washy culture is lethal for business success.
- How to create a culture that fuels what’s possible and enjoy financially rewarding and fulfilling work.
- And much more